So it's been like TWO YEARS since I last blogged. What a crazy, intense and unprecedented two years! Whoa. And here I am today... in Northern California (Sonoma County), as we begin our "travel home adventure", very much propelled by circumstances of the past two years. Maybe I'll share more about that in another post... but, alas... here I am... today.
Interesting, though, that my last post was about breathing... which is what inspired this post, too. There is so, so much about breathing... it connects us to each other and to EVERYTHING. No breath... no life.
This morning Eric and I did some powerful breath work with a wonderful community via Zoom. Honestly, meditation has always been somewhat challenging for me (!), but this was different. This was like yoga for the lungs, the heart, and the whole BEING... both physical and emotional. Very, very impactful. So much so that, as I mentioned, it inspired me to write this blog post. Breath of FIRE is what it felt like. Purifying, healing, energizing FIRE. And what timing to experience this, being on Day 6 of COVID. Overall, it's been pretty mild... but breathing, in general, has not been the easiest... congestion, that tickle in the chest, fatigue. It was truly remarkable that not only was I able to do the breath work without it triggering a coughing fit... but it actually helped me work THROUGH it and above it. It opened my heart and lungs and there was even a purifying release of tears.
This all got me to thinking more deeply about what "Clean Energy Inside and Out" really means. By the way, this is sort of the motto or "catch phrase" Eric and I use to express our mission as musicians, educators, and solar advocates in this "travel home adventure" we're on. This morning I got so much more clarity on the "clean energy inside" part.
The way I see it, clean energy inside is simply being in the energy of Divinity/God/Love (whatever word fits your sense of a higher power) and having the awareness of it. And further, It is recognizing that because we are human, it requires practice to live in that place of spiritual purity.
Eric and I have been reading daily from 365 Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes) and today's reading was so very synchronistic:
"Today I enter into the stream of pure Life, knowing that as I bathe in the spiritual water of perfection, my whole being is cleansed, purified, and made whole".
THIS. This is "clean energy inside" in a nutshell. It begins with US. If we want to help heal humanity and planet, we've got to practice our wholeness. I say PRACTICE, because it is a word of action and yet we don't create our wholeness... it is already there. It is our WORK (our practice) to get in touch with it... to see, feel, and taste it. To BE it.
We've heard that "hurting people hurt people". Yes. And "WHOLE people HEAL people (and planet)". Thank you, Rev. David Alexander. :-) This is powerful beyond measure.
On another synchronistic note, today is my man's birthday (Happy birthday, Eric!) and this is LEO SEASON! It's a season that offers us energy that is bold, authoritative, and confident. Leo is a FIRE sign (again, the purifying fire!)... the element of action, motion, and creation. Leo season also offers the freedom needed to express our WHOLE and TRUE selves fully and to move through the world the way we want to. This expression of wholeness is the healing energy the world needs... especially now.
This is why Eric and I (and our furry mascot, Buddy Sattva the Sundog) are doing what we're doing... living and traveling and working out of our "off-grid space ship" travel home and studio (aka our vintage Silverstreak trailer named "Victorious Victoria") to practice, share, and promote "clean energy inside and out" through music, solar, and sustainable living. And I will continue to stress "PRACTICE" because while we intend to inspire and educate, we are also always learning and growing into this!
We will be sharing some stuff on our journey with the general public, but excited to be launching a Patreon page where we can engage more intimately and share even more with an online community of supporters/patrons of our creative venture to help make a difference in the world (and hopefully bring some joy and inspiration)! We are in the process of fine-tuning the page and intro video, complete with a new song that is sort of the soundtrack to our adventure appropriately called "Fly":
Interesting, though, that my last post was about breathing... which is what inspired this post, too. There is so, so much about breathing... it connects us to each other and to EVERYTHING. No breath... no life.
This morning Eric and I did some powerful breath work with a wonderful community via Zoom. Honestly, meditation has always been somewhat challenging for me (!), but this was different. This was like yoga for the lungs, the heart, and the whole BEING... both physical and emotional. Very, very impactful. So much so that, as I mentioned, it inspired me to write this blog post. Breath of FIRE is what it felt like. Purifying, healing, energizing FIRE. And what timing to experience this, being on Day 6 of COVID. Overall, it's been pretty mild... but breathing, in general, has not been the easiest... congestion, that tickle in the chest, fatigue. It was truly remarkable that not only was I able to do the breath work without it triggering a coughing fit... but it actually helped me work THROUGH it and above it. It opened my heart and lungs and there was even a purifying release of tears.
This all got me to thinking more deeply about what "Clean Energy Inside and Out" really means. By the way, this is sort of the motto or "catch phrase" Eric and I use to express our mission as musicians, educators, and solar advocates in this "travel home adventure" we're on. This morning I got so much more clarity on the "clean energy inside" part.
The way I see it, clean energy inside is simply being in the energy of Divinity/God/Love (whatever word fits your sense of a higher power) and having the awareness of it. And further, It is recognizing that because we are human, it requires practice to live in that place of spiritual purity.
Eric and I have been reading daily from 365 Science of Mind (Ernest Holmes) and today's reading was so very synchronistic:
"Today I enter into the stream of pure Life, knowing that as I bathe in the spiritual water of perfection, my whole being is cleansed, purified, and made whole".
THIS. This is "clean energy inside" in a nutshell. It begins with US. If we want to help heal humanity and planet, we've got to practice our wholeness. I say PRACTICE, because it is a word of action and yet we don't create our wholeness... it is already there. It is our WORK (our practice) to get in touch with it... to see, feel, and taste it. To BE it.
We've heard that "hurting people hurt people". Yes. And "WHOLE people HEAL people (and planet)". Thank you, Rev. David Alexander. :-) This is powerful beyond measure.
On another synchronistic note, today is my man's birthday (Happy birthday, Eric!) and this is LEO SEASON! It's a season that offers us energy that is bold, authoritative, and confident. Leo is a FIRE sign (again, the purifying fire!)... the element of action, motion, and creation. Leo season also offers the freedom needed to express our WHOLE and TRUE selves fully and to move through the world the way we want to. This expression of wholeness is the healing energy the world needs... especially now.
This is why Eric and I (and our furry mascot, Buddy Sattva the Sundog) are doing what we're doing... living and traveling and working out of our "off-grid space ship" travel home and studio (aka our vintage Silverstreak trailer named "Victorious Victoria") to practice, share, and promote "clean energy inside and out" through music, solar, and sustainable living. And I will continue to stress "PRACTICE" because while we intend to inspire and educate, we are also always learning and growing into this!
We will be sharing some stuff on our journey with the general public, but excited to be launching a Patreon page where we can engage more intimately and share even more with an online community of supporters/patrons of our creative venture to help make a difference in the world (and hopefully bring some joy and inspiration)! We are in the process of fine-tuning the page and intro video, complete with a new song that is sort of the soundtrack to our adventure appropriately called "Fly":
Will keep y'all posted! Meanwhile, thank you for being here... and for reading. Lots of inspiration brewing right now in Leo Season... drop a comment and let me know how YOU are feeling the fire!
Much Love,
Much Love,