I have a new friend... the dragonfly. Do you believe in spirit animals? It's something that has begun to resonate with me over the past year or so. I've had quite of year of change and evolution, for sure... and it seems there have been little critters there to give me a little playful nudge every step of the way. Last fall it was the squirrel. When I was literally moving into the studio space where we had begun recording the new album, squirrels were always in our path. I actually had a squirrel peeking in at me from the basement bathroom window with a nut in its mouth. :-) Squirrels are all about preparation for what lies ahead... and letting go of physical and emotional baggage to make room for the new "stores" (all the while being playful!). And this summer has been all about the dragonfly! The first encounter was outside at my parents' house. Eric and I were visiting and this dragonfly hung out with us the whole time we were there (a few hours). We would get real close to it (close enough to take pictures) and it would just sit there, happy to be near us. Oh, it would fly and dance about playfully at times, but return quickly to perch nearby. I was fascinated... and really felt like it was there for US. Well, this feeling was affirmed when, as I was performing "Feelin' Good" a week later at an outdoor lawn concert, I was singing the line "...dragonfly out in the sun, you know what I mean, don't ya know..." and... guess who flew right out in front of me (showing off, of course)? Yup, my new friend. ;-)

As if this wasn't enough, a week after the concert, I happened upon a book in the tiny gift shop aboard the American Empress (where I was performing) called "Dance of the Dragonfly". Great photos and musings on this fascinating creature: "Many believe that the transition from a nymph to a dragonfly signifies the stripping away of our beliefs of limitation, our doubts and our self-doubt. It reminds one that everything is possible and that we can achieve our dreams and goals as we learn about ourselves and gain self-belief. Is it possible that the universe has brought this creature to us to help us with the stripping away of our self-doubt and allow us to see our true potential and ability?" I say YES! That is most definitely what I am feeling these days. As the song goes, "...freedom, freedom is mine... and I know how I feel... it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me... and I'm FEELIN' GOOD...." How 'bout YOU?