Pursuing dreams and visions in a BIG LOVE kind of way... is not for weenies. ;-) You really have to put your whole heart in if you want to reap real rewards. There really is no way around this. And in the process, I have learned you really do have to ground yourself in Spiritual Truth because it seems that everything unlike that which your heart desires will come flying in your face the moment you make a big, bold declaration about it. Example: I didn't blog at all last week because right after declaring how happy I was in this in this new little simple country life, it seemed everything that could go "wrong" did. From ridiculous difficulty merging my phone line with Eric's account to tense scheduling conflicts, to weird, quirky mishaps during our gig last weekend, there seemed to be a series of "perceived failures" that created stress and discord. It was tempting to think "maybe this isn't the right path... maybe this isn't what I want". But deep down, I knew better.
I used to be afraid to make declarations, talking about anything good happening, not wanting to "jinx" it. I used to say a lot of.... "well... whatever... we'll just wait and see... I don't want to get too excited about anything and be disappointed". This is how I was trained to behave. Here's how I've grown in that aspect. Yes, there are times when I declare how great something is and then it seems that shortly after I do that I start experiencing the opposite. But here's where spiritual awareness and being "seasoned" makes all the difference. The way I see it now is that when we boldly declare our good OUT LOUD, the Universe wants us to experience it so fully and authentically that if there IS anything that needs to be stripped away, released, or embraced in order to have this experience, it will come up. Not to panic! :-) It doesn't necessarily mean there is something "wrong"... it means we get to notice where we are still holding onto some false belief about our good. It also is a call to notice how we harshly judge "perceived failures", rather than just seeing them as growing pains and part of the journey. And maybe they are also our ego's way of trying to sabotage, in which case we get to say, "I see you and hear you, dearest ego... I know you think you are trying to protect me somehow... but what I know (despite the way I may feel at times) is that LOVE gets to win". When I practice staying focused on love in the face of anything showing up that doesn't look or feel like love... I find the rest does fall away and I experience even deeper joy than before.
I want to experience BIG LOVE in all aspects of life. And with this bold declaration, I accept that there is bound to be "growing pains". And thank God! What about you? Can you allow yourself to believe that love will always prevail somehow (and maybe not always in the way you THINK it should)? Can you embrace the growing pains that might show up in the process? Love WILL provide. Always. We are love... and we are loved. I do declare. <3
I used to be afraid to make declarations, talking about anything good happening, not wanting to "jinx" it. I used to say a lot of.... "well... whatever... we'll just wait and see... I don't want to get too excited about anything and be disappointed". This is how I was trained to behave. Here's how I've grown in that aspect. Yes, there are times when I declare how great something is and then it seems that shortly after I do that I start experiencing the opposite. But here's where spiritual awareness and being "seasoned" makes all the difference. The way I see it now is that when we boldly declare our good OUT LOUD, the Universe wants us to experience it so fully and authentically that if there IS anything that needs to be stripped away, released, or embraced in order to have this experience, it will come up. Not to panic! :-) It doesn't necessarily mean there is something "wrong"... it means we get to notice where we are still holding onto some false belief about our good. It also is a call to notice how we harshly judge "perceived failures", rather than just seeing them as growing pains and part of the journey. And maybe they are also our ego's way of trying to sabotage, in which case we get to say, "I see you and hear you, dearest ego... I know you think you are trying to protect me somehow... but what I know (despite the way I may feel at times) is that LOVE gets to win". When I practice staying focused on love in the face of anything showing up that doesn't look or feel like love... I find the rest does fall away and I experience even deeper joy than before.
I want to experience BIG LOVE in all aspects of life. And with this bold declaration, I accept that there is bound to be "growing pains". And thank God! What about you? Can you allow yourself to believe that love will always prevail somehow (and maybe not always in the way you THINK it should)? Can you embrace the growing pains that might show up in the process? Love WILL provide. Always. We are love... and we are loved. I do declare. <3