Here is the link to watch: https://youtu.be/4ystvV3nrVU
As I write this, we are 70% to the goal to get this product out there! THANK YOU to all who have contributed so far to bring this project to fruition! We do still have a little ways to go to cover costs, so if you haven't yet contributed and are inspired to, it's not too late to kick in and be part of the magic. This indie "heARTist" is so very grateful for the support... I could not to this without it! :-)
CLICK HERE to Contribute via GoFundMe
Most of the songs were captured during performances at New Thought Center for Spiritual Living in Lake Oswego, OR, where I have been singing (and growing!) for 10 years now. With David York at the helm, Rand Deahl covering sound, and incredibly talented and soulful musicians in the band, it is a place where magic is made. And when that magic happens to be captured brilliantly on multi-track... pure Divine Orchestration. :-) This 5-song CD consists of three new original songs, a specially arranged version of my song "Love will Provide" with the NTCSL choir, and a beautifully tender Sara Bareilles tune... all songs ripe for the times. I can't wait to share them with you! :-)
As I mentioned in my last blog, the songs are currently being mixed and polished by my brilliant partner and producer (thank you, Eric Montgomery!)... and then the collection needs to be mastered, replicated, and packaged for distribution for release this summer. Which is why I set up the GoFundMe... to help with those costs.
It is my absolute passion and mission to minister the power of LOVE through music. THANK YOU for sharing the journey with me!
Here is the link to contribute through GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/LauriJonesWatchLoveRise
AND/OR... If you'd like to pre-order the CD, please do so from my website home page.
Thanks again for all the love and support! Happy spring and almost SUMMER!
Love and Gratitude,