Shadows. Light. Dark energy. Light energy. Duality. This seems to be a theme lately... especially in this transition from winter to spring. Feeling both darkness and light (sometimes in extremes) and living in the duality of both of these energies. Because they both exist... always. Yep... there are days I just let myself be in a funk, allowing the darkness to keep me in bed a little longer or mutter expletives under my breath a little more... lol... and that's OK, as long as I see it for what it is and don't stay "there" too long. Mostly, I see this time as an opportunity to practice remembering. Remembering the light that is always there. Acknowledging the darkness, but coming home to the light... over and over again. It's a practice... definitely.
A few years ago, I remember a dear friend and co-worker of mine noticing a change in me. I had been taking classes and just really immersing myself in spiritual practice and spiritual community. She said, "it's like you have this little Bunsen Burner inside you... this little flame right in your center". Wow. How cool that she observed it this way (and without me even saying much about what was going on with me). Yes! I was learning how to get in touch with that "love energy buzz" (as it feels to me) within. And it was showing! I was becoming aware of that unchanging and consistent light within. Call it God... call it higher power... call it truth... call it essence... call it the "one heart". Whatever the name, it's unconditional. It is always there. Eternally present. It's just that we sometimes forget. We get distracted by the drama in the world. "Bad" things happen. Yes, darkness is always there, too... along with the light... and we can either dwell in that darkness... feed it and let it expand... or. OR.
Or... we can feed and expand the light. We can "give it to God". Easy to say... but what does that mean? It means different things to different people. To me, it means sitting still in the midst of what feels like chaos and honing in on that little "buzz" inside. The buzz of love energy. Seeing in my mind's eye a pure, white light. Feeling the warmth. It usually starts small and then radiates out and spreads through my body... out through my fingertips and toes... out through the top of my head... and into the world and whatever situation is causing pain or disturbance. It's what this world needs. Shadow or dark energy is always there, too, but I believe we can flood ourselves with love energy and create a shift in how we experience our world and its circumstances. We can even shift the circumstance itself with the kind of energy we are feeding it. The point isn't to ignore the darkness, but to remember the light amidst the dark. Without darkness we wouldn't really know to cherish and appreciate the light. It is there as a reminder of light.
I like thinking of dark and light in terms of energy. When it comes down to it, energy is everything... and everything is energy. As a singer, a performer, I am especially affected by energy. And my energy affects those I share my music with, for sure. It's cyclical. I have felt my whole performance shift depending on the energy present. If I feel skepticism or criticism going into it... or overly cerebral or egoic energy overshadowing the heart... it can negatively affect the flow of "love energy" if I'm not careful. I have felt this happen. On the other hand, when I am immersed in love energy... when I feel encouraged and free to shine my light... something greater emerges and there is this beautiful, cyclical flow of love energy between myself and the audience. This is what I love most... why I do what I do... and why I know I need to keep practicing the remembering. To tune into the Bunsen Burner inside me (I just love that image) and let it spread like wildfire throughout my being and outward. Not only in singing/performing, but in all interaction.
Love energy is our essence. We just forget sometimes. It really is a continuous practice of remembering. Meditation, music, being in nature, spending time with loved ones, in community with treasured friends and family... these are all things that help me remember. That bring me back home to my heart... to that Bunsen Burner within. :-) How do you remember? <3
A few years ago, I remember a dear friend and co-worker of mine noticing a change in me. I had been taking classes and just really immersing myself in spiritual practice and spiritual community. She said, "it's like you have this little Bunsen Burner inside you... this little flame right in your center". Wow. How cool that she observed it this way (and without me even saying much about what was going on with me). Yes! I was learning how to get in touch with that "love energy buzz" (as it feels to me) within. And it was showing! I was becoming aware of that unchanging and consistent light within. Call it God... call it higher power... call it truth... call it essence... call it the "one heart". Whatever the name, it's unconditional. It is always there. Eternally present. It's just that we sometimes forget. We get distracted by the drama in the world. "Bad" things happen. Yes, darkness is always there, too... along with the light... and we can either dwell in that darkness... feed it and let it expand... or. OR.
Or... we can feed and expand the light. We can "give it to God". Easy to say... but what does that mean? It means different things to different people. To me, it means sitting still in the midst of what feels like chaos and honing in on that little "buzz" inside. The buzz of love energy. Seeing in my mind's eye a pure, white light. Feeling the warmth. It usually starts small and then radiates out and spreads through my body... out through my fingertips and toes... out through the top of my head... and into the world and whatever situation is causing pain or disturbance. It's what this world needs. Shadow or dark energy is always there, too, but I believe we can flood ourselves with love energy and create a shift in how we experience our world and its circumstances. We can even shift the circumstance itself with the kind of energy we are feeding it. The point isn't to ignore the darkness, but to remember the light amidst the dark. Without darkness we wouldn't really know to cherish and appreciate the light. It is there as a reminder of light.
I like thinking of dark and light in terms of energy. When it comes down to it, energy is everything... and everything is energy. As a singer, a performer, I am especially affected by energy. And my energy affects those I share my music with, for sure. It's cyclical. I have felt my whole performance shift depending on the energy present. If I feel skepticism or criticism going into it... or overly cerebral or egoic energy overshadowing the heart... it can negatively affect the flow of "love energy" if I'm not careful. I have felt this happen. On the other hand, when I am immersed in love energy... when I feel encouraged and free to shine my light... something greater emerges and there is this beautiful, cyclical flow of love energy between myself and the audience. This is what I love most... why I do what I do... and why I know I need to keep practicing the remembering. To tune into the Bunsen Burner inside me (I just love that image) and let it spread like wildfire throughout my being and outward. Not only in singing/performing, but in all interaction.
Love energy is our essence. We just forget sometimes. It really is a continuous practice of remembering. Meditation, music, being in nature, spending time with loved ones, in community with treasured friends and family... these are all things that help me remember. That bring me back home to my heart... to that Bunsen Burner within. :-) How do you remember? <3